
Message of the President of BBSAT

          Society is structured with guaranteed responsibilities and duties. Whether, you deem the human or natural duties given by human. Specific roles and duties are assigned to human. So, human must consider each other, whereas, duty is very important in our human life. It has a great meaning. The human society is depending on the duty and unity. Mostly, we are unable to accomplish our duties but we are able to captious others. Therefore, our expectation is not captious merely. And our expectation is your captious and point out the truth to rectify co-operating us. So, we respect your kind co-operations and contributions as well as your opinions. And one who will act his own duty of the society properly. Then we will see an affluent Society. An unity in our understanding of life and the cosmos will reduce alienation among the elements of life and give an authentic wholeness. It will open us up with joy where we were, before, closed down with fear. For human life there seem to be four problem areas. These reflect him essential relationships: they are the relationships of humankind with nature, of human with human, of human with self, and of humankind with the universe. These four areas represent the components of the human environment: the natural, the human or social, the inner or psychic, and the cosmic or universal; and the order of presentation are the natural order of progression in life. Resolution of these relationships needs recognition that each level integrates the previous and also provides liberation from their tyrannical aspects, and unity of vision, whether conscious or organism, to perform the integration and balance needed for full life... This fullness reduces consumptive use of one level of resource to fulfill other levels of need.
     Another value of unity will be a reduction in alienation among the divisions of knowledge. The actual division of knowledge into disciplines in any culture reflects, among other factors, a balance between the needs of specificity and accuracy and the needs of communication and wholeness of vision. Authentic unity shifts the balance toward fewer disciplines without loss of specific application. Knowledge becomes a more effective structure and this translates into more effective learning, more effective application, and more effective use of academic and educational resources. Integrated into culture, it will translate into a fuller life for the individual and a balanced synthesis of humankind and environment - natural, human and universal.
      Meanwhile, we understood an importance of the unity. Bangladesh Barua Buddhists are gradually losing their unity. Basically the unity has a unique meaning too. Within these all of aspects having in our mind, we established, the “Bangladesh Buddhist Student Association of Thailand” (BBSAT). Finally, we can find out as “One for all and all for one” means unity. The Buddha taught us the meaning of the “duty and unity” in the “Sapta aparihaniya Dhamma” for succeed and inheritance in our day today life.
Ven. Loka Mittra Bhikkhu,
Bangkok, Thailand.
E-mail: blmitra1@gmail.com


  1. it is indeed a good message for all of us..... i appreciate your concern of being united .... Thank You ...


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